
Archive for the ‘Healthly tips and tricks’ Category

I have had a lot of requests for the ingredients of my daily super smoothie so I have decided to give you the recipe for a happy healthy morning boost of energy and vitality! I have had this concoction for over a year now and feel fabulous from it!

  • half a glass of oat milk
  • 1/4 large tin of peaches in mango
  • 200g of mixed frozen berries
  • large teaspoon of Spirulina powder
  • large teaspoon of Cocoa powder
  • large teaspoon of Flaxseed oil
  • large teaspoon of Acai powder
  • large teaspoon of Maca powder

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I remember the first time I went to a vegan restaurant and the menu was categorised into different meat sections ranging from; Beef, Fish, Chicken and Pork! At first I was like “Oh my god there is nothing to eat!” But with some gentle encouragement from my friend Sean he ordered all of  his favorite dishes so I could try them.

At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it or even if its ok to like the idea of eating meat? It’s really hard to get your head around eating fake meat when you are so dead against it in the first place. My guru said once “You shouldn’t wear fake leather or fur as it’s still promoting the leather and fur industry” Does this mean you shouldn’t eat fake meat?

To be honest I still wear fake leather and fur as I love fashion and I now eat fake meat as it’s important to get enough nutrients in your diet especially when you have a vigorous lifestyle.

There is only one vegan restaurant on the Gold Coast and its conveniently only 200 meters from my doorstep 😮 Check it out its Tian Ran on the Gold Coast Highway Mermaid Beach, across the road from the Growers Market Fruit shop.

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I feel amazing and on top of the world after the Bali Spirit Yoga Festival. So to continue this natural high I have decided to do a 7 day liquid fast to feel even lighter and brighter and keep the good vibrations flowing. The fast will include unlimited;
– fresh juice,
– my fabulous morning vegan super smoothie,
– the extraordinary liquid Mona Vie supplement,
– caffeine free herbal teas,
– vegan soup,
– lots and lots of water

I would love you to join me even for just a day and let me know how you are going! It’s always easier to do these things when you have a supportive friend! However if you have a demanding work schedule ahead I highly recommend that you wait till the workload or stress levels are low before starting the detox.

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I have just added my short 6min Yoga in Bed workout on youtube

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In India they say you only have a certain amount of breaths in your life so breathe slowly. The breath like the beat of the body happens automatically, no thinking is required…… its part of the magic of life.

As our mind and emotional states fluctuate these also affect the fluctuations of the breath. The quality of your breath is a direct reflection of the quality of your mind and visa versa. If we can learn to harmonize the breath and take the unconscious action of breathing and make it conscious then we can begin to rise above our mind and emotional states. A great speech and drama teacher once said to be me “If you can control your breath you can control your life”. Very in tune with ancient yogic philosophy.

I invite you to watch your breath, watch it through the day and see what you find. Notice the difference in depth, length and quality when walking, driving, eating, yoga, working, fighting, love-making and gardening…… become the silent observer.

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Thai Massage has been around for over 2500 years and originated in India. Dr Shivago the founder of Thai Massage based this ancient healing craft on the traditional Hatha Yoga poses which also originated around 2500 years ago. It is commonly refered to as “Lazy mans yoga” as the receiver simply lies there and the practitioner does all the stretches and bending for you.

Thai Massage is both relaxing and therapeutic. One can expect to receive deep stretches to open the body along with accupressure points using Sen energy lines to awaken stagnant energy flow. This is a great way to reap all the benefits of yoga when you are too tired to do it yourself or have an injury or disability which doesn’t allow you to join a normal yoga class.

Thai massage is best over a 2 hr session however in the Western culture time is a precious commodity and can be tailored to suit a shorter 1 hr session. The receiver always wears loose comfortable clothes. My teacher would say in broken English “No clothes, no Thai massage” highlighting a misconception of what real Thai massage is due to Western tourism and Thai prostitution.

Try one for yourself 😮

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Yoga philosophy has many twists and bends including clearing your clutter. This can be considered in every aspect of your life from your room, house, car, office space, wardrobe, pantry, your mind and even your colon! Yes ladies and gentlemen we are talking about colonic irrigation.

Every year I try to make the trip to the colonic specialist and have my insides flushed. Many people disagree with this procedure due to the robbing of the healthy bacteria from the digestive system and that it’s not natural. I say “It makes me feel clean, light and like I have a fresh start again” I only need 1 or 2 sessions per year as I’m a vegan. I like to do this annual ritual at the end of the year so I feel like I’m starting the year brand new, out with the old, in with the new.

Colonic irrigation also works for me on an emotional level. After a really terrible break up a couple of years ago I felt like I needed to clear my body energetically of any toxic or negative emotions or energy I may still be carrying. After the cleanse matched with a liver flush and parasite cleanse I was sparkling like new inside and out.

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Growing up in the sunshine state of Australia my skin has been over exposed by harsh tropical sun all of my life. Being an active athlete and competitive surfer has not helped the health of my skin.

In my early 20s I went to the skin specialist and asked them how I could improve my skin as I could already see terrible damage to this delicate tissue. They said I should stay out of the sun as my skin had prematurely aged so much that it was on par of a woman of her 40s. I was horrified!!!!!! I have literally spent $1000s in the last five years on my skin and during this process my IPL nurse, who is also a keen yogi and deep meditator, suggested the ancient Ayurvedic remedy required to help reverse my weathered skin is pure organic sesame oil and take a daily teaspoon of flaxseed oil in food.

I have since been practicing these two natural skin healing products and have seen a huge improvement!

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I have recently been asked to blog on how to lose weight. I have advised clients for years on my philosophy and method for weight loss and it’s really very simple; Ethical Eating.

  1. Eat Organic; natural whole foods with no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives. Reduces the need for chemicals on the planet.
  2. No Pollution; reduce foods that come in packets, cans, tins, plastics etc. Most foods that come in these packs not only pollute your body but they pollute mother earth.
  3. No Killing; this includes all animal life including fish, chicken and eggs. This leaves no negative karmic ramifications for your soul and is the single best thing you can do to reduce global warming (better than not driving your car).
  4. Eat locally; supporting your local community helps the richness of the country and ensures that massive corporate businesses don’t have total control of all of our resources in the future.
  5. Share; by sharing your food, drinks and snacks you not only eat less you practice the art of giving.
  6. Love; food should be made with love and kindness, whether you make it or it comes from a wholesome restaurant doesn’t matter.
  7. Dairy Free; this thick mucus forming food is a sure way to feel congested. Not only will you be able to breathe freely you will free the animals forced into captivity and constant pregnancy.
  8. Eat light at night: no foods after 6pm and you will be sure to spring out of bed in the morning feeling light and bright.
  9. Cut the carbs: this makes a big difference for my body. Instead I increase the animal free protein to maintain strength and balance.

Not all of these may be suitable for everyone but the more of these you can incorporate  into your daily life the better you will feel in your mind, body and spirit knowing you are making a difference in the world.

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